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SisTer Sistemi Territoriali

SisTer Sistemi Territoriali

Data Science, Location Intelligence, DSS, Open Data Analytics for Utilities and Government

SisTer - Sistemi Territoriali is the Almawave Group company offering decision support system solutions, geo spatial analytics and Big Data expertise in the Utilities and Government sectors.

It emerged as a spin-off of the National Research Council, providing support to public and private sector entities within the realm of information analysis and DSS, with a specific focus and expertise in Location Intelligence, namely geographic information systems (GIS).

Over the years, it has expanded its know-how to Big Data and Open Data and today, leveraging a number of proprietary assets, has a leading client portfolio in the public and private sector.

The Company has also expanded internationally, winning tenders for major global entities.

We create value through innovation

Data Science • Location Intelligence • Decision Support System • Open Data Analytics for the Utilities and Government sectors

SisTer Sistemi Territoriali Management

Valeria Sandei


SisTer Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l.
Sole member
Head office
Via di Lupo Parra Sud, 144
56021 Cascina - Frazione San Prospero Stradario 20200 (PI)
Capitale Sociale Euro 42.000,00 i.v.
Registro Imprese di Pisa
C.F/P.IVA 01187240500
Company subject to the management and direction of Almaviva S.p.A.

Our companies

OBDA Systems

Our companies

The Data Appeal Company