Opening up to the market is a fundamental aspect of our strategic growth. All suppliers who intend to establish or maintain a collaborative relationship with Almaviva Group must demonstrate and maintain adequate technical-economic qualifications over time, in full compliance with the principles of social responsibility. For this reason, we provide all of our suppliers, both current and potential, with a dedicated area ("Area Fornitori") in which to introduce themselves to the Group and manage their qualification process over time.
Once the registration process is complete, all suppliers accessing the qualification system for the first time will receive a notification regarding the outcome of their evaluation.
The positive outcome of this evaluation, and subsequent registration in the "Supplier Registry", is a necessary condition for being invited to competitive discussions, signing contracts, and receiving purchase orders.
Suppliers who already have an account, but who have not received an e-mail with the security code to access the new site for the first time, can send a request via the support mailbox.
The same e-mail address can be used to request any other information required.
Following registration in the Supplier Registry, to ensure the timely issuance of purchase orders, suppliers are required to keep their personal information and required documentation up-to-date (such as a valid DURC, anti-mafia self-declaration, etc.).
Please note that the registration procedures for the Supplier Registry and access to the Vendor Area do not imply any commitment on the part of Almaviva Group companies regarding their incontestable decisions to continue with the selection and potential assignment of activities to the suppliers.
The purchase orders issued will be subject to the general terms and conditions valid as of the date of receipt of the signed PO by the Company.
The following are the general conditions, safety regulations, and QR codes of Almaviva Group companies: