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Hybrid Landscape: strategies and systems for defending and securing networks

Hybrid Landscape: strategies and systems for defending and securing networks


AlmavivA Cyber Intelligence to take part in tomorrow's discussion at the Scuola di Trasmissioni e Informatica (School of Signals and I.T.), organized by AFCEA

To mark the Italian Army's Festa delle Trasmissioni (Signals Celebration), the Rome Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association has organized a discussion between public and private companies, due to take place tomorrow. At the center of the debate is cyberspace analysis and telecommunication network security.

In an environment where organizations are increasingly on show and interdependent, the ability to analyze data from the entire digital ecosystem to which they belong is essential. AlmavivA guarantees an entirely new level of knowledge and understanding when it comes to cyber threats, so that organizations can prepare actionable cyber security strategies: head of Cyber Security Practice Roger Cataldi is due to speak at tomorrow's AFCEA meeting, fresh from his involvement with a Road Show introducing Joshua - AlmavivA's Cyber Vision - that has been taking place over the last few weeks.

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