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Parole O_Stili

Parole O_Stili

Observing, promoting, disseminating: manifesto and projects against online violence

The power of words: they can move, unite, and warm the heart. Or they can hurt, offend, and drive people away.

Online, aggression often dominates tweets, posts, status updates, and stories. It’s true that social media is a virtual place, but it’s also true that the people who meet there are real and so are the consequences. That is why today, especially online, we have to be careful about how we use words.

The non-profit organization Parole O_Stili was founded in Trieste in 2016 with the objective of empowering and educating Internet users on how to choose non-hostile forms of communication. It was created by approximately 300 enthusiastic communications professionals from the worlds of business and politics, influencers, and bloggers, who were later joined by many teachers, students, entrepreneurs, and other professionals... Different people united by a common desire to make the Internet a less violent and more respectful and civilized place. Everyone pledges to counter hateful language on the Internet and does so by adhering to the Manifesto of Non-Hostile Communication.

Today Parole O_Stili is a community of outstanding communicators who work with schools, universities, businesses, associations, and national and regional institutions. Its objective is to spread virtuous communication practices on the Internet and promote a widespread awareness of individual responsibility. It is a welcoming community supported by tens of thousands of people.

Almaviva is part of this community. Having signed the Manifesto for companies (just a few simple rules for fostering transparent and sincere dialogue between companies and stakeholders), it made the commitment many years ago, along with others who believe that words matter, in an effort to make the Internet a less violent and more respectful and civilized place.

In 2022, as part of the become project, Almaviva became the leader of a participatory communications initiative in collaboration with Parole O_Stili, the objective of which is to promote the awareness that “virtual is real”. At the center: the relationships between people. Analog and digital relationships within changing professional contexts, characterized by the widespread use of collaborative platforms. ​

If you believe that words have weight and value, then you too are part of Parole O_Stili. Share the principles of the Manifesto of Non-Hostile Communication. Commit to observing them, promoting them, and spreading them.


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