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FinTech by default, Innovation by design

The Group’s new FinTech division was established in 2021 from the merge of Almaviva's area dedicated to trustees (Almaviva already being a leading company in the sector with 70% of the market) and Kline Srl, a company specialized in software platforms for Front-to-Back office operations for the entire segment of Wealth Management, SIM, SGR, and Private Banking. The NewCo has a strong presence on the territory, with customers in Italy and nearby Switzerland, with an international footprint, providing with platforms and services to intermediaries in Germany, Luxemburg, Malta, Russia, and Portugal in the short term.

The ideal partner to support the current transformation impacting the FinTech, Wealth Management, and Regtech segment, regarding technology and process innovation.

Kline features positive experience gained on the market in the past years, together with a a combination of product efficiency, a wide range of technological skills, and expertise in design consulting and advisory have allowed for a major expansion of the value proposition in multiple, rapidly expanding markets, both in Italy and abroad.

Complex and modular solutions, customizable on customer needs, proprietary technological platforms, and a wide range of services to support intermediaries in their growth and transformation processes

An exhaustive value proposition leveraging on a level of knowledge and expertise unparalleled in Italy for Front-to-Back operation, focussing on Wealth Management, Portfolio & Risk Management, Pricing & Markets, Taxation, Trustee Innovation, Reporting, AML.

FinTech by default, Innovation by design

Supporting the transformation process impacting the FinTech, Wealth Management, and RegTech segment, regarding technology and process innovation

Kline Management

Lorenzo Cocco


Kline Management

Mario Mendia


Kline S.r.l.
Head office
Via Giacomo Puccini, 5
20121 Milan
Share Capital Euro 333,333.00 fully paid up
Companies’ Register of Milan Monza Brianza Lodi
Tax code/VAT n° 05897240965
Economic and Administrative Index MI1856958
Company subject to the management and direction of Almaviva S.p.A.

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Data Jam

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Lombardia Gestione