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Workload migration from on-premise to AWS

Workload migration from on-premise to AWS


Migration from on-premise to AWS infrastructure of workloads related to the management of public purchasing and digital transformation process of the Regional authority


The customer, a regional agency in charge of the innovation process and public purchasing at a local level, with specific focus on e-Gov and digital health projects, is committed to promoting efficiency in the public purchasing process, and provides with digital solutions to simplify processes to residents and firms within the Region.


Migration from on-premise to AWS infrastructure of workloads related to the management of public purchasing and digital transformation process of the Regional authority.

Agid guidelines


ISO/IEC 27001



A Landing Zone with segmented accounts has been implemented to improve security, by isolating resources and workload over several accounts. This specific design guarantees scalability and robust protection for the landscape, while the use of several accounts simplifies security profile management and supports various applications, each of while has unique policy and verification requirements.

In addition, dedicated and isolated VPC enable centralized data management at an account level, while selected AWS Migration Hub and AWS Application Migration Services ensure migration process optimization, providing with simplified tracing, planning, and execution of workload transitions from datacenter to AWS.


The solution has implemented a throrough transformation of the organization IT infrastructure, giving priority to business continuity and a solid security.

Through the implementation of a sophisticated Landing Zone, the approach has ensured a minimal impact on critical enterprise operations, creating at the same time a highly secure and adaptive cloud environment.

Operational flexibility has turned out to be a key advantafe of the new cloud infrastructure. The solution has enabled a seamless scalability, allowing the organization to expand and adapt cloud resources with unprecedent agility. Each business unit can therefore benefit from personalized security profiles and dedicated verification mechanisms, without compromizing the overall complexity of the cloud ecosystem.

The migration strategy has deeply redefined the organization approach to IT infrastructure management: by concentrating on security, scalability, and operational efficiency, the solution has implemented a solid cloud environment which not only has mitigated risks related to the migration process, but also placed the organization for future technological enhancements.

This results in a safer, more reactive and adaptive IT infrastructure, capable of rapidly meeting constantly evolving enterprise goals.

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