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National Recruiting Portal

National Recruiting Portal


Single point of access for the recruiting of civil servants, available to citizens and Public Bodies


The project consists of the implementation of a single point of access for the recruiting of civil servants, available to citizens and Public Bodies: new fast, crystal-clear and stringent ways to select technical and managing profiles required to fulfil the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).


The project aims to improve the quality of civil servant recruiting path, via means of an innovative digital system, simplifying and speeding up the match between supply and demand with the Gov staffing process.

The National Recruiting Portal of the Civil Service Dept. support Public Bodies in the management of tendering and recruiting process of professionals, according to internal needs. At the same time the Portal is available to citizens and professionals aiming to participate in public contests and be included in the recruiting network.


The solutions widens and integrate the Service Center capabilities through AWS Public Cloud services, by implementing Well Architected Framework (WAF) configuration best practices and enhancing operations processes of management of the Managed Services with the support of the Cloud expert team.

The major key points of the National Recruiting Portal:

Scalable architecture


Easier automation and management


Contact the Cloud Services team