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Almawave Gold Partner Oracle

Almawave Gold Partner Oracle


This partnership further strengthens relations between Almawave and Oracle, which have already teamed up in order to improve intelligence in CRM processes

Almawave - AlmavivA Group's Consulting and Business Intelligence firm - becomes a member of Oracle PartnerNetwork Specialized

This partnership further strengthens relations between Almawave and Oracle, which have already teamed up in order to improve intelligence in CRM processes, jointly offering a dedicated solution for the semantic analysis of the notes entered into the CRM systems by call center operators. The two companies are engaged in the joint marketing of the IrideCRM in Oracle BI platform, a solution that integrates the Iride ontological engine - owned by Almawave - with the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite.

The product, by combining the semantic analysis potential of the text contents of the Almawave engine with the state-of-the-art business intelligence functionalities of the Oracle technologies, enables the interpretation of the notes entered by the call center operators into the CRM systems, in relation to each communication between a given user and the company.