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Almawave attends the SpeechTEK 2010 with a prototype of virtual assistant capable of understanding a human voice

Almawave attends the SpeechTEK 2010 with a prototype of virtual assistant capable of understanding a human voice


No keyboard, no more questions in writing. Ask me what you need to know and I’ll reply. By voice.

Almawave attends the SpeechTEK 2010 event in New York with a prototype of virtual assistant capable of understanding a human voice

No keyboard, no more questions in writing. Ask me what you need to know and I’ll reply. By voice.

This is how we can sum up the innovatory experiment that Almawave will be presenting at the SpeechTEK 2010 event in New York, from 2 to 4 August.

This is one of the most important worldwide showcases of (present and future) vocal technologies and provides the opportunity for a full immersion in the most cutting-edge theoretical and practical solutions: conferences, products and workshops, speeches by academic personalities, specialist sessions, meetings with experts.
The prototype presented by Almawave consists of a virtual assistant capable of understanding a human voice, and, therefore, of interacting with a visitor solely by voice, thus overcoming age-old instrumental barriers and representing the most human possible interaction between assistant and user.
The virtual assistant welcomes visitors and invites them to ask a question. The visitor speaks into a small microphone, using natural language. The assistant interprets the proper semantic value of the question and solves the user’s problem. TTS (Text To Speech) and ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) are the voice synthesis and recognition software on which the trial is based.
A fresh and basically simple idea, which, however, encompasses the full strength of the word.