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“Cybersecurity, Public-Private axis for an ad-hoc strategy adapted for Italy”: President Alberto Tripi on CorCom

“Cybersecurity, Public-Private axis for an ad-hoc strategy adapted for Italy”: President Alberto Tripi on CorCom


“Cybersecurity, Public-Private axis for an ad-hoc strategy adapted for Italy”: President Alberto Tripi on CorCom

The Confindustria Representative sounds the alarm: our country is among the worst for IT fraud and online extortion. SMEs are still behind the times. IT security is a decisive factor in the Piano Industria 4.0 [Italy's national industrial upgrading plan for 2017-2020].

“Up to this point, our country has been on the front line when it comes to IT fraud and online extortion, placed seventh in the world - and second in Europe, behind Turkey - for ransomware attacks. And unfortunately our businesses, in particular micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, are still paying for severe shortcomings, both in terms of awareness of the risks and consequences of IT attacks and in terms of sharing information regarding the amount and type of attacks suffered."

The cyber security scenario described by Alberto Tripi is an alarming one. The AlmavivA Group President is Confindustria’s representative for Cyber Security, a role that offers him a clear picture of the situation, not only in terms of numbers but also - and especially - in terms of actual details.

“If in 2016 74% of IT security spending in Italy - a total of 972 million Euros - was a privilege exercised exclusively by large businesses, this means there is still a lot of work to do with regard to raising awareness and creating a culture of IT security amongst the leadership of SMEs”, Tripi states.

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