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AlmavivA attends the Green Banking 2012 Workshop organized by ABI Energia

AlmavivA attends the Green Banking 2012 Workshop organized by ABI Energia


Stefano Capelli, AlmavivA's New Business Project Manager, will be speaking at the Session dedicated to “Measuring energy consumption and environmental impact” on the theme “Measurement to support decision-making”.



ABI Energia, the ABI Lab Competence Center on Energy and the Environment, is organizing a workshop on governance and measurement – in support of Green Banking decisions – to present the results emerging from the Green Banking Observation Unit. 

Stefano Capelli, AlmavivA's New Business Project Manager, will be speaking at the Session dedicated to “Measuring energy consumption and environmental impact” on the theme “Measurement to support decision-making”. 

The workshop concludes a year of works aimed at further investigating the system of governance for managing energy and the environment in banks, focusing on the internal collaboration of the various competencies involved. 

During the year the necessary access information has been identified for the best management of these issues and for furthering the best practices developed to date. 

The results of the year's work will be published in the form of guidelines, in the light of the principal international standards (ISO 50001:2011 and UNI EN ISO 14001:2004). 

The Observation Unit has also tackled the theme of measurement, with respect to both energy use management and environmental sustainability. Banks, in fact, can put into place the most effective actions for reducing energy use, based on an assessment of their key environmental impact parameters. 

Finally, the Observation Unit has tackled the issue of environmental reporting, in line with the Global Reporting Initiative method, preparing the second version of the guidelines for the Application by Banks of the GRI Environmental Indicators, extended to include the analysis of a further seven indicators, compared to 2011, and reviewed in the light of the updating of the sources. 

The workshop, therefore, will be an opportunity to examine the projects launched to date for improving the energy/environmental performance of the banking sector and the solutions adopted in respect of the governance of these matters. The workshop will also be attended by representatives of the banking and business worlds. 

The first results of the sectorial survey on the environmental reporting for 2011 – prepared by banks in 2012, in connection with the preparation of their sustainability report – will also be illustrated. 

Read the program and visit the website of the event.