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AlmavivA Mercato Trasporti for integrated e-ticketing platforms

AlmavivA Mercato Trasporti for integrated e-ticketing platforms


TSF, one of the sponsors of the event, provides the MITT platform, a leading edge e-ticketing solution employed, in particular, in Trentino as well.

AlmavivA Mercato Trasporti for integrated e-ticketing platforms

The seminar on Integrated Technological Architectures and Mobility Regulatory Systems - organized by CLUB Italia - Contact Less Users Board, with the sponsorship of ASSTRA, the Association gathering Italian transport operators - will be held in the Buonconsiglio Castle in Trento. Regulatory issues, integrated e-ticketing solutions, available technologies: these are the issues on which the event, which specifically targets local public transport operators, will be focusing. 

TSF, one of the sponsors of the event, provides the MITT platform, a leading edge e-ticketing solution employed, in particular, in Trentino as well.

During the three days of the event there will be discussion sessions dedicated to transport services programming processes, in-depth technical investigations and visits to the plants of Trentino Trasporti, the public transport company operated by the Autonomous Provincial Government of Trentino.

One of the key moments of the seminar will be the presentation by Mr. Manuel Fantasia, in charge of AlmavivA’s Transport Market department, on “Regulatory Authorities, Local Public Transport Operators and Suppliers: the Bermuda Triangle”.