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“Every egg holds a dream. Help us make it come true.” Almaviva opens its doors to AIL

“Every egg holds a dream. Help us make it come true.” Almaviva opens its doors to AIL


The history of hematology research and AIL run parallel, enabling significant advancements in both treatment and the improvement of patients’ and families’ quality of life. To mark the 30th anniversary of the AIL Easter Eggs initiative, Almaviva is opening the doors of its main Rome office to volunteers from the Italian Association Against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma.

With a minimum contribution of €12, we can all make a big difference to scientific research in the fight against leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Starting March 21st, visit the AIL website to view the map of Italian piazzas where AIL Easter Eggs will be on sale from March 24th-26th.