Lifelong Passion for Learning and Continuous Learning as methods to address the challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in a systemic way: it’s towards these goals that Mindset Revolution moves, the project promoted by Generali in its six-month chairmanship of the ELIS Consortium, which provides for the construction of a “learning engine” to bring out knowledge and make it available to businesses, universities and schools.
The project has recently gone live, involving CEOs and Senior Managers of participating companies, who will return to study alongside a pool of one hundred experts to discuss the digital potential and transformation practices among peers: these are the Human Digital Masters, professionals who combine the best of human skills with digital expertise. For the AlmavivA Group, these Masters are Giuseppe Bertone, manager of Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technology AlmavivA, and Vicenzo Sciacca, an expert in Artificial Intelligence at Almawave.
Discover more at the Mindset Revolution Elis website