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35th Edition of the Marisa Bellisario Award: Almawave’s CEO Valeria Sandei receives a 2023 Golden Apple for Management

35th Edition of the Marisa Bellisario Award: Almawave’s CEO Valeria Sandei receives a 2023 Golden Apple for Management


Valeria Sandei, CEO of Almawave, receives a 2023 Golden Apple for Management. The outstanding women who will be featured in the 35th edition of the Marisa Bellisario Award, “Women Who Make a Difference”, were announced today.

Th Medal of the President of the Republic award ceremony will be aired on Raiuno on Saturday, June 17th.

“The Golden Apples of these 35 years,” declares the President of the examining committee, Gianni Letta, “are scientists, researchers, economists, entrepreneurs, magistrates, executives, astrophysicists, engineers, writers, politicians, athletes, and artists. They represent and embody various disciplines in a wide range of activities that encompass the entirety of human knowledge and achievement. All of them excel in their respective fields, and represent the best of Italy which, through them, has continued briskly along the road of progress.”

“Putting women’s talents in the spotlight, making the many stories of ordinary and extraordinary female excellence visible, has contributed, year after year, to changing the culture of our country and paving the way toward equality. This mission must continue so that the incredible reservoir of female skills, experiences, energy, and talent may become a lever of development, modernity, and progress,” explains Lella Golfo, President of the Marisa Bellisario Foundation.

Throughout the broadcast, the coveted Golden Apples will be presented by distinguished figures from institutions, the economy, the communications sector, and the entertainment industry. As it is every year, the Marisa Bellisario Award is supported by numerous ministries and by an Honor Committee made up of eminent individuals.

Pictured are the recipients of the award with President Golfo in front of Palazzo Chigi, where they were received by the Minister of Labor, Marina Elvira Calderone