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Workshop on Artificial Intelligence: the AlmavivA experience at John Cabot University

Workshop on Artificial Intelligence: the AlmavivA experience at John Cabot University


In the afternoon the AlmavivA Practice “AI Solutions, GIS & IoT Platform” was invited to John Cabot University for an event dedicated to accompanying university students in the discovery of the most innovative Artificial Intelligence techniques. The goal of the meeting is to explore the AI world, highlighting the enormous potential and the benefit of its use in daily life.

Fabio Previtali will speak, presenting the technologies and instruments that allow us to constantly overcome new challenges today: self-driving cars, predictive models for diagnostics, intelligent devices in the Smart Cities environment… there are many applications that have improved various aspects of life, beginning with work quality and safety.

A major American university in Italy, John Cabot University combines a pragmatic approach to theoretical studies and privileges and close relationship with the working world, paying great attention to professional outlets for students who choose to start a career after graduation instead of continuing their studies.