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Marketing, caring and sales to stand the test of digital innovation: it's time for everything to come together

Marketing, caring and sales to stand the test of digital innovation: it's time for everything to come together


Data analysis, Artificial Intelligence and algorithms for understanding natural language and listening to the customer's voice: these are the new-generation digital technologies that are allowing businesses to create an outstanding Customer Experience, while achieving greater efficiency levels. This is how Almawave's Iride platform - one of the most advanced in Italy - works.

The relationship between a business and its customers is an extremely important aspect that has become even more delicate due to the propagation of digital contact channels. We live in an age when it is the experience - more than the product itself - that makes an impression in the memory and influences purchase intentions. In short, Customer Experience is what makes a difference between two competing companies and this is what everyone is trying to focus their strategies and courses of action on, turning it into a "red ocean" in which it is increasingly difficult to stand out.

So, how can you achieve a truly outstanding experience which is therefore decisive, quick and adaptable to requirements? You need a balanced mixture of the human and the digital that guarantees coherence and convenience of use, but you also need full alignment on information from all company units in carrying your mission forward, to avoid discord and to maximize opportunities for contact.

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