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Customer experience, Valeria Sandei: “Italy ready for the AI and big data challenge”

Customer experience, Valeria Sandei: “Italy ready for the AI and big data challenge”


The Almawave CEO’s interview on CorCom

The Almawave CEO: “Everyone has figured out how strategic it is to take advantage of the opportunity of innovation, not only to tackle the growing competition, but also to achieve increasingly more challenging economic results.”

For 2019, the company estimates growth greater than 20% and sustained margins.

Customer experience is becoming increasingly more strategic and a fundamental business asset for many companies.

Almawave has looked to the future in good time. How is business evolving on the Italian market? And what are the new challenges?

“Customer Experience has always been at the center of Almawave’s strategy, investing in technologies for natural language and customer voice comprehension to create solutions that introduce greater efficiency, process simplification and quality in customer service”, Valeria Sandei, Almawave CEO, tells CorCom.

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