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“Coronavirus, here’s the Italian sentiment”. The story of the emergency in Almawave’s social research

“Coronavirus, here’s the Italian sentiment”. The story of the emergency in Almawave’s social research


Fear, sadness, hope. These are the pandemic keywords that Almawave gathered in a complex social research on states of mind, described by our fellow citizens during Covid-19.

Made with an extremely wide range of interactions, with over 7 million tweets and a further 60 thousand posts on Instagram, the analysis offers a spontaneous and live account of how Italians are experiencing the Covid-19 emergency.

“More than ever in this coronavirus emergency, technology is proving to be a valuable support for making decisions, as well as for considering paths and possible scenarios”, and is guaranteeing “inclusion and proximity like Telemedicne, even for the most isolated of people”. In an interview by Adnkronos, this is indicated by Valeria Sandei, CEO of Almawave, the AlmavivA Group company specialised in Artificial Intelligence, Social Intelligence and the analysis of the spoken and written natural language.” I believe that the data serving citizens, their lives, even in the aftermath of the lock-down imposed the coronavirus, could be elements on which we can all reflect in a careful way.”

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