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Mid-Term Review of the European Research Project "TEADAL"

Mid-Term Review of the European Research Project "TEADAL"


The Mid-Term Review of the European research project "TEADAL - Trustworthy, Energy-Aware federated DAta Lakes along the computing continuum" (Call HORIZON-CL4-2021-DATA-01), of which Almaviva is a partner, concluded on March 26th.

After eighteen months of activity, the results achieved will be presented and discussed with the EU commissioners responsible for evaluating the project’s progress with respect to the agreed upon DOA (Description Of Action). The ambitious goal of the TEADAL Project is to test and develop innovative technologies in order to create a federation of data-lakes that extends across both the cloud-edge continuum and multi-cloud, enabling optimized sharing of data and computation.

Issues related to privacy are of fundamental importance, both in terms of individual participants in the federation and compliance with current national and European regulations, confidentiality, and trust. All from the perspective of maximizing the energy efficiency of both individual extended data lakes and the entire federation of data lakes.

The mid-project review took place on March 26th, during which the partnership presented the accomplishments of each work package during the first half of the project, highlighting the challenging aspects and the next steps on which to base activities in the subsequent eighteen months, leading up to the final review.

A number of demo sessions were also conducted in order to better illustrate the results achieved during the reference period. The Mid-Term Technical Report, together with the economics document, are the reports delivered to the commission which summarize the technological and budgetary objectives achieved by the partnership.

At the end of the review, the EU commissioners formalized the conclusions in a review report sent to the consortium. In it, they expressed their appreciation for the results achieved so far and provided feedback and recommendations for the next project activities, immediately implemented by the partnership in anticipation of the fundamental milestone for the realization of version #2 of the TEADAL platform.

To find out more, visit the project website.