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Italy is the European leader in waste recycling: presentation of the 2022 “Recycling in Italy" report by the Foundation for Sustainable Development with Almaviva

Italy is the European leader in waste recycling: presentation of the 2022 “Recycling in Italy" report by the Foundation for Sustainable Development with Almaviva


Italy’s recycling industry is steadily growing, with 4,800 enterprises, 236,000 employees, 10.5 billion in added value, and 25 million tons of secondary raw materials produced. Twenty-five years after the “Ronchi” reform, disposal in landfills is marginal. In 2020, Italy recycled 72% of all waste, both municipal and special-industrial: a European record.

These are just some of the figures from the 2022 “Recycling in Italy” report, presented in Milan on the 16th, during the conference promoted by the Sustainable Development Foundation, an authoritative point of reference for the primary business sectors and international protagonists of the green economy, of which Almaviva is a member.

Massimiliano Evangelista - Head of Ecological Transition, Sustainability, Environment and Territory - participated in the event on behalf of Almaviva.