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“A Role Model is forever”

“A Role Model is forever”


AlmavivA a partner of the Elis School-Work Alternation System: the results, the commitment, the growing community

A total of 31 companies adhered with the enthusiasm of AlmavivA, 173 Role Models guided and inspired students coming from over 107 schools involved: the extraordinary results of the ELIS project, which we partner, are collected in a White Book that sums up the first two years of the School-Work Alternation System project, highlighting the workings of an educating community—a bond linking schools and businesses—for generating tomorrow’s human capital.

An online event will be held today to thank all Role Models who met groups of students to help them acknowledge, value and fruitfully employ their talent. And also to confirm the commitment of subjects, like AlmavivA, that intend continuing their commitment over the next two years.

“Today’s aim,” underlined ELIS, “is also to consolidate and keep alive the inter-company community developed over the past few years with the idea that ‘A Role Model is forever!’ We want to offer all female professionals, both those who participated over the past two years and new candidates, the possibility of keeping up with issues involving orientation, STEAM and gender differences, while continuing to belong to the LinkedIn Role Model Community, which remains open to anyone wanting to keep up-to-date with the project’s topics.”

If you would like more information, you can download the White Book here.