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A special episode of “Il Confronto” on RAI2: President of the Roma Expo 2030 Foundation, Massimo Scaccabarozzi, and President of Almaviva, Alberto Tripi, were interviewed by Monica Setta

A special episode of “Il Confronto” on RAI2: President of the Roma Expo 2030 Foundation, Massimo Scaccabarozzi, and President of Almaviva, Alberto Tripi, were interviewed by Monica Setta


According to the most recent analyses, Expo 2030 in Rome would bring approximately 300,000 new jobs and attract 30 million people to the city, for an overall economic impact of €50 billion.

This is what Massimo Scaccabarozzi, President of the Roma Expo 2030 Foundation, and Alberto Tripi, President of Almaviva, talked about as guests on “Il Confronto” the Rai Italia program hosted by Monica Setta, in a special episode dedicated to Rome’s candidacy for the 2030 Universal Exposition.

“It’s not just an opportunity for the city, for Lazio, and for Italy, but for all of Europe,” Scaccabarozzi explained, “because Rome isn’t only the capital of culture and history in Italy, but in the world. The Italian dossier consists of 618 pages of important content. Our foundation is working alongside the Institutional Committee, proposing projects to ensure that the candidacy is visible both within the country and, more importantly, outside of it, to secure votes from other countries.”

“Rome could be chosen not only for its broad appeal, but because it’s a center of business and innovation,” said Alberto Tripi. “Foreign exhibitors and companies who come to our country will find an industrial and productive fabric in Rome and Lazio that could serve as a springboard to European and global markets.” “Its fundamental for Italian companies to participate in Expo 2030,” emphasized Tripi. “It means being present at the largest possible industrial event in the world.”