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“AGENDA SOUTH 2030 Youth Work Future”: the Speech by Director Marina Irace at the Merita Foundation Conference

“AGENDA SOUTH 2030 Youth Work Future”: the Speech by Director Marina Irace at the Merita Foundation Conference


“To address the mismatch in the digital market, we need to intervene in terms of orientation and education. We need to rediscover the importance of technical institutes, and companies need to support universities in terms of both course preparation and placement.” These were the words of Marina Irace, Almaviva Group’s HR Director, speaking at “AGENDA SOUTH 2030 Youth Work Future”, the event held on May 5th and 6th and promoted by the Merita Foundation, in partnership with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo.

One of the event’s primary messages was that the future of young Italians depends on finally being able to place the country on a path of development that will lead to a steady reduction and, ultimately, closure of the gap with the center-north of the country. A path that provides new prospects for personal and social growth to young men and women from the south, as well as young men and women from other regions in the country, in that “Mosaic Italy” (from the title of one of Merita’s seminars) in which each component can make a constructive contribution to the overall design of the nation’s society.