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“The digital State”: Almawave alongside Roma Tre University II level Master: in the afternoon the opening lesson

“The digital State”: Almawave alongside Roma Tre University II level Master: in the afternoon the opening lesson


“Lo Stato digitale” Almawave al fianco del Master dell’Università Roma Tre: oggi pomeriggio la lezione inaugurale

Roma Tre University II level Master’s program has begun, organized by the Law and Engineering Departments with the support of Almawave, which financed a scholarship assigned to Dr. Elena Fabbricatore.

The opening lesson will be held on 4th February at 3:00 pm in the Law Department “Sala delle Lauree” (Graduation Hall), and will be accessible online in live streaming, by connecting to the dedicated link.

After institutional greetings from Director Prof. Carratta and Vice-Dean Prof. Atzeni, the plan of the day anticipates the introduction of the Master’s Director, Prof. Luisa Torchia. This will be followed by a discussion on the subject “Digital Italy 2026”, tackled by an authoritative panel of speakers including the Minister for Technological Innovation, Vittorio Colao, Prof. Francesca Bria from the National Innovation Fund, Prof. Maurizio Decina from Milan Polytechnic, and Prof. Franco Bassanini from the Astrid Foundation.