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From AI initiatives in Africa to Ongoing Projects for Made-in-Italy Artificial Intelligence: CEO Sandei of Almawave Featured on Codice, a Program on Rai Uno and Corriere.it

From AI initiatives in Africa to Ongoing Projects for Made-in-Italy Artificial Intelligence: CEO Sandei of Almawave Featured on Codice, a Program on Rai Uno and Corriere.it


AI applied to the administration of justice is a highly secure system that cuts courts’ processing times in half. The example of the Judiciary of Tanzania was featured on Codice, a program on Rai Uno.

Almawave’s solution for the Tanzanian justice system is trained in English, Tanzanian English, and Swahili, demonstrating high performance and effectiveness. It recognizes local dialects and languages, guaranteeing accuracy and transparency. It has been installed in courtrooms as well as in “mobile courts” that reach the most remote areas of the country. “The duration of trials has drastically decreased,” says Desderi Kamugisha, Coordinator of Tanzanian Courts, in Valerio Cataldi’s report.

Interviewed by host Barbara Carfagna, Valeria Sandei, CEO of Almawave, talked about other fields where artificial intelligence is spreading in Africa: “We’re already involved in the African Information Highway, a major open data highway that connects all the countries on the continent. Furthermore, based on the experiences gained in our own country system and in Italian public administration, there are many opportunities in Africa in the field of administration and in various other key sectors. We’re focused on developing know-how in Italy and creating technology that, when integrated with all the aspects and opportunities offered by artificial intelligence, truly benefits processes and transformation in various sectors.”

On Corriere.it we’d like to highlight the article by Alessia Cruciani, which describes the two ongoing projects for Made-in-Italy artificial intelligence. Projects, one of which is Almawave's Velvet, that aim to ensure the technological "sovereignty" that France has already successfully achieved with Mistral, and Germany with DeepL, and that could bring significant benefits and greater opportunities to our country.