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President Tripi intervenes at “Digital Roads for Genoa and Liguria”

President Tripi intervenes at “Digital Roads for Genoa and Liguria”


Tomorrow Genoa will be the capital of public and private ICT

Economic players and the energies of digital transformation gather in Genoa: the capital city of the Liguria region will host the annual shareholders’ meeting and the general board meeting of Anitec-Assinform, the Italian National Association of ICT Companies and Consumer Electronics—a member of Confindustria and founding member of the Confindustria Digitale federation—and Assinter Italia, the Association of Public Companies for Technological Innovation operating at a central, regional and local level.

For the occasion, which will see top managers of public and private computer science organizations coming to town, Liguria Digitale organizes “Digital Roads for Genoa and Liguria,” a conference to debate the technological opportunities for the territory’s socioeconomic fabric. The event is scheduled for Friday, May 17th, at 2 p.m. and will be held at GREAT Campus at the presence of top officials of the Municipality and Regional Authority and leading exponents of hi-tech businesses.

Download the full program of the “Digital Roads for Genoa and Liguria” conference