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Launch of the Foundation for the Innovation of Riccagioia’s Agricultural Ecosystem: AlmavivA is among the founding members

Launch of the Foundation for the Innovation of Riccagioia’s Agricultural Ecosystem: AlmavivA is among the founding members


“Innovation plays a fundamental role in the growth of the agricultural industry. Access to skills and digital infrastructures can provide an important competitive advantage. The adoption of advanced technologies by companies depends heavily on the perceived cost-benefit ratio, in particular for Italy’s many SMEs, with limited IT knowledge and spending capacity. One of the benefit that is considered to be extremely relevant concerns the management of relations with PA and the ability to valorize data. AlmavivA, with the broad perspective that characterizes its activities and with its choice of using only open source solutions, has long supported public administration in the creation of regional agricultural ecosystems that interact with the healthcare and environmental worlds, among others. This information serves as an asset that’s available to companies in order to create opportunities, support safeguards in manufacturing, and reaffirm Made-in-Italy’s competitiveness.”
This is what Antonio Amati, General Manager of the AlmavivA IT division, had to say upon the launch of the Foundation for the innovation of Riccagioia’s agricultural ecosystem. A hub of excellence in the agricultural production sector and a technological platform that brings national and international companies and the public together, collaborating in a model of research and development that adheres to standards of economic and environmental sustainability.
AlmavivA is among the Foundation’s founding members, along with Bayer, IBF Servizi SpA, Coldiretti Lombardy Regional Federation, Cerea, Esri Italia, ERSAF Lombardy Region, GEOsmartcampus, Farmdesign, and TIM-Olivetti.