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ReActive’s Digital Services Academy is Underway!

ReActive’s Digital Services Academy is Underway!


The 6-month training program kicked off yesterday, with 25 young men and women distributed among the offices of Turin, Rome, Naples, and Cosenza.

The participants will have the opportunity to acquire specialized skills in software development for the financial and insurance services sector, through a combination of study and on-the-job training that will prepare them to use the most modern technologies.

Among the advantages of ReActive's Digital Services Academy are:

  • training that guarantees a foundation of basic technical knowledge and the use of key frameworks (both market and custom);
  • time dedicated to experimentation, with practice in the subjects studied, allowing participants to develop appropriate levels of autonomy;
  • mentors who support and encourage the participants’ learning and curiosity and who work to establish long-term professional relationships.

“Cultivating skills in order to be prepared to handle the challenges of digital transformation within the finance and insurance ecosystems is one of our objectives,” comments Andrea Bei, Head of Digital Services at ReActive. “That’s why we’ve established a stable academy within our organization, one which trains professionals who are capable of mastering the most advanced technologies and driving innovation.”