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THINK TANK BASILICATA 2020: AlmavivA aids the relaunching of Basilicata’s growth in the meeting organized today by Ambrosetti

THINK TANK BASILICATA 2020: AlmavivA aids the relaunching of Basilicata’s growth in the meeting organized today by Ambrosetti


The debate between Basilicata’s institutions and the business community resumes to offer tangible solutions for the territory’s strategic needs. Vincenzo Pinto, Head of the Client Executive Health & Local Public Sector department, will bring AlmavivA’s experience this afternoon to the BASILICATA THINK TANK, promoted by The European House Ambrosetti.

The event will focus on the most urgent challenges posed by the relaunching of the Basilicata region but also on the opportunities and strategic skills which the territory can deploy, together with the other southern Italian regions, to improve its attractiveness and competitiveness.

The International Forum held on January 30th this year in Matera ended with the presentation of “Basilicata: energies for a sustainable future”, a vision aimed at turning Basilicata into one of Europe’s most resilient regions by privileging three strengths of the territory: the presence of players involved in capital intensive industry, an extensive agrifood chain, and the region’s contribution to the cultural and tourism industries. These strategies and development drivers involve administrations, civil society and entrepreneurial realities, such as AlmavivA, at such a crucial time for Italy and the country’s southern regions.

Visit the agenda of the event and read the press release of The European House - Ambrosetti for more information

Vincenzo Pinto, Head of the Client Executive Health & Local Public Sector department