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“Industry 4.0 - Preparati al Futuro”

“Industry 4.0 - Preparati al Futuro”


AlmavivA and Fondazione Bruno Kessler to share their experience at the Confindustria Roadshow on Thursday

On 8th February the Confindustria training session “Preparati al Futuro” (“Prepare for the Future”) is due to take place in Rovereto, in the province of Trento. Businesses will meet the teachers, consultants and experts ready to guide them through the world of Industry 4.0. They will discuss Digital Innovation Hubs, “one stop shops” for companies in the framework of the Industry 4.0 National Plan, and how to create new value in the digital transformation process, in particular in manufacturing environments.

New communication and operating methods, capable of blending in with a rapidly-evolving economic fabric, mean that Confindustria can offer to accompany the companies on their journey “into the future” by preparing them to interact with the new market on the horizon.

In this context, the Manager for Cyber Security Practices at AlmavivA, Romolo Buonfiglio, will run the Laboratory on the theme of IT security with the help of representatives from Fondazione Bruno Kessler. It will be an opportunity to delve deeper into the subject behind a particular outline: the risks connected to the enormous amount of data companies will be able to handle using new digitalisation processes, and the most innovative ways of guaranteeing protection.

For more information visit the event website.