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CLIC-IT 2020: Almawave at the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics

CLIC-IT 2020: Almawave at the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics


Today marks the end of the CLIC-IT 2020 Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, the AILC event - Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Computazionale (Italian Association of Computational Linguistics), during which Almawave presented the new scientific paper completed in collaboration with the University of Trento.


Cristina Giannone, AI Engineer, Andrea Favalli, Cognitive & AI R&D, and Raniero Romagnoli, Technology & Innovation, along with Luca Di Liello, Daniele Bonadiman and Alessandro Moschitti, illustrated the results of the “Cross-Language Transformer Adaptation for Frequently Asked Questions” scientific research to demonstrate how advanced modeling techniques, such as those adopted in the Almawave Conversational Platform, improve the performance of "general" models and problems to be managed that are typical of neural approaches in industrial settings, enabling Vertical AI.


Go to the event website to learn more.​