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“Digital Skills for the Jobs of the Future”: Chief Human Resources Officer Marina Irace will be at the Learning More Festival on Saturday, October 15th

“Digital Skills for the Jobs of the Future”: Chief Human Resources Officer Marina Irace will be at the Learning More Festival on Saturday, October 15th


Overcoming the gap in digital skills in order to jumpstart the country's development through collaboration between businesses and the academic world. Anitec-Assinform companies share their experiences on Saturday, October 15th at the Learning More Festival. Chief Human Resources Officer Marina Irace will speak on behalf of the Almaviva Group.

Long active in alternating school-work programs, Almaviva is constantly involved in courses which steer and develop digital skills, through its Academy system and a consolidated network of partnerships with universities and research centers.

In 2022, the Group launched a new Continuous Academy project, the objective of which is to promotethe constant upskilling and reskilling of current employees, thus promoting inclusion and equal opportunity, for a professional world that’s undergoing a profound transformation..