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“Digital Banking #2_ The strategic leverage of Digital Onboarding”: AlmavivA at the Abi Lab Webinar

“Digital Banking #2_ The strategic leverage of Digital Onboarding”: AlmavivA at the Abi Lab Webinar


“Digital Banking #2_ The strategic leverage of Digital Onboarding”, organized by the Abi Lab Digital Banking Observatory, is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, July 8th. The theme of the Webinar will be the new remote methods of acquiring prospective clients.

AlmavivA Anti-Money Laundering Solutions Manager, Cristiano Demurtas, will take part in the event - as will AlmavivA Blockchain Solution Architect, Glauco Ciprari - with a speech entitled “Strategic Relevance of Post-OnBoarding”.

Go to the Abi Lab website to see the agenda and register for the event.