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5 colori

5 colori

Food culture as a share value commitment

Almaviva adopts a systematic and integrated approach to sustainability, and looks at the growth of food culture as a shared value commitment. New generations represent the future of the Planet, and we are all - froe single individuals to enterprises - called upon to contribute to their education, by promoting awareness in key issues, such as lifestyle and nutrition.

In this regard, in 2024 Almaviva started a collaboration with the Fondazione Pancrazio 5 colori project. Addressing schools in Italy and abroad, the project aims to raise awareness towards healthy and proper nutrition, as well as promote the Mediterranean diet, the best in the world among 38 different diets, as reported in the US News & World Report on Best Diets Overall.

Adherence to the Mediterranean model is insufficient both in Italy, where only 5% of the adult population follows it properly, and in the world. For this reason, an important dissemination activity was triggered via means of the 5 colori project. In the first 4 years, thanks to the Fondazione extensive work with scool age students and their families, 7 Italian Regions, 80 Municipalities, 100 schools, and 560 classes were reached, for a total of 14K students. Moreover, through the support of Embassies and General Consulates, 15 schools around the world have already been involved, from Paris to London, from Madrid to Tirana, from Athens to Casablanca, to N.Y. and Washington DC.

Do you want to learn more and follow the project activies in progress?