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Letter to Stakeholders

Letter to Stakeholders

Dear Stakeholders,

as it has grown over the years, Almaviva Group has developed a corporate culture based on shared social responsibility principles, commitments and good practices.

We today reach a key point on this journey of fostering awareness as we publish the Group’s first Sustainability Report. We present Almaviva's vision and approach to sustainable development, outlining in a structured manner the current and future scenarios on which the main environmental, social and governance topic indicators, commonly known by the acronym ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), are based.

Our project should be seen within the wider global framework in which the focus on sustainability principles by governments and organizations, citizens and businesses has sharpened considerably - and rightly so. We therefore wish to contribute to interpreting with fairness, transparency and timeliness the expectations of the external and internal stakeholders. This also presents numerous opportunities for us to grow and become competitive in our own field of innovation.

In fact, Almaviva Group's mission has always been to support its customers on their digital transformation journey, to nurture lasting and responsible development through the extraordinary possibilities offered by innovation, leveraging the potential of technology across all sectors to benefit the community and the environment in which we live.

The current situation, marked by the pandemic years and significant geopolitical instability, presents us all with serious challenges, in which to build the conditions to meet the emerging needs of today's and tomorrow's citizens. It is time, our time, to deploy skills, capabilities and new ideas, in the service of people's well-being and of organizational processes, with the aim of combining the capacities of the public and private sectors to create new networks and participate in increasingly sophisticated and complex digital ecosystems.

Almaviva Group is therefore actively committed to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the United Nations in 2015, developing an approach to sustainability that integrates the various environmental, social and governance themes into business activities according to two main lines of action:

  • propose products and services to the market that project positively on the areas of sustainability, so as to foster a responsible, ethical, inclusive, and low-impact digital transition
  • consciously guide aspects of people's lives, environmental quality and the corporate governance system in carrying out business activities, in line with international best practices, acting as a reference point for the various stakeholders.

The publication of the Sustainability Report is a crucial step in promoting and developing the set of initiatives that, over time, our Group has undertaken within the broader scope of social responsibility and in directing the sustainable development strategy that shall drive our future growth.

Marco Tripi

Chief Executive Officer
