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Alberto Tripi attends the II Italian Digital Agenda Annual Forum of Confindustria Digitale

Alberto Tripi attends the II Italian Digital Agenda Annual Forum of Confindustria Digitale


“The future of business? It lies in the management of the information storm and the use of Big Data”



"The future of business? It lies in the management of the information storm and the use of Big Data": Alberto Tripi attends the II Italian Digital Agenda Annual Forum of Confindustria Digitale.

"Italian entrepreneurs today find themselves in a perfect storm, caught in a maelstrom of molecular information, digital monads, which are useless if they are not effectively managed, and which can be exploited and become valuable if they are processed by a platform capable of organizing them and giving them a meaning", said Alberto Tripi, President of AlmavivA Group and Vice President of Assinform, a member of the Board of Directors and Committee of Confindustria, speaking at the II Italian Digital Agenda Annual Forum, an event sponsored by Confindustria Digitale.

"Italy started late, but is now making a large leap forward, because businesses have understood the importance of Big Data Analytics, Open Data and Cloud, as a business resource and stimulus for the creation of stable employment".

Tripi spoke at a discussion panel on "The Digital Agenda and growth", on the subject of "How Internet is changing businesses", challenging the Government, which was represented at top level by the Prime Minister, Enrico Letta, and the Ministers Lorenzin, D'Alia, Giovannini, and the Deputy Ministers Catricalà and Casero, requesting the "reprogramming of VAT to support e-commerce".

"Today - Mr. Tripi concluded - progress requires the management of huge quantities of non-organized data, in terms of their availability, quantity and intelligibility. Only by managing these huge amounts of data - known as Big Data - will banks, insurance companies, government entities be able to achieve ambitious targets in an increasingly complex context".

This second edition of the Forum was an opportunity to further investigate the issues tackled at the European Council on the Digital Agenda, scheduled for the end of October, one of the cornerstones for the recovery of economic growth in Europe and this country. The Forum was opened by the Commissioner for the Italian Government's Digital Agenda Francesco Caio, and the Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes, and closed by the President of Confindustria Digitale Stefano Parisi and the President of the Council of Ministers Enrico Letta.