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Fincantieri, AlmavivA and Leonardo: together for the security of Italy's critical infrastructure

Fincantieri, AlmavivA and Leonardo: together for the security of Italy's critical infrastructure


The agreement will enhance the Italian national supply chain in a sector currently dominated by foreign players

Fincantieri, through its subsidiary NexTech, AlmavivA and Leonardo have signed a collaboration agreement to offer integrated and innovative digital solutions, applied to static and dynamic monitoring, and to the security of Italy’s critical transport infrastructure.

The agreement will focus on the Structural Health Monitoring and Road Asset Management of road mobility support structures, with the application of static and dynamic control systems of structures and installations, and on Smart Roads, which allow communication and interconnection between vehicles, i.e. the development of solutions and services aimed at increasing road safety through assisted driving and, ultimately, autonomous driving.

The products of the partnership, aimed at all stakeholders in the road and motorway sector, including infrastructure managers and authorities, as well as the public bodies responsible for planning and monitoring, intend to supply the “Country system” a real and concrete execution capacity for the modernization of mobility networks.

The parties will define a joint business strategy and will cooperate to promote and increase the Made in Italy brand in a highly competitive context currently dominated by foreign players.
For Leonardo the agreement is integrated with the one singed in July 2021 to join the business network known as “Mille Infrastrutture”, made up of Italian companies and authorities of the sector characterized by high and specialized competence.

The understanding, which extends the scope of activity of the one signed between AlmavivA and Fincantieri in 2021, may be the subject of subsequent specific agreements that the parties will define in compliance with the applicable legislation, including that relating to transactions between related parties.

Fincantieri, AlmavivA and Leonardo: together for the security of Italy's critical infrastructure