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Ital-IA. The opportunities offered by artificial intelligence

Ital-IA. The opportunities offered by artificial intelligence


AlmavivA and Almawave at the first national conference of the CINI “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems” Laboratory, involving institutions, research centres and businesses, to share objectives and opportunities for development

Ital-IA is the conference organised by the “Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems” (AIIS) National Laboratory of the National Inter-University Consortium for Informatics (CINI), in collaboration with Confindustria; it will be held on 18th and 19th March at the Auditorium della Tecnica Congress Centre in Rome.

The aim of the conference is to foster collaboration between all entities interested in Italy, to grasp the development opportunities linked to artificial intelligence, regarded as the most strategic and decisive technology of the 21st century.

AlmavivA and Almawave will be participating in the event, to be held over two days: the first day, dedicated to vertical workshops, will seek to highlight the potential applications of artificial intelligence in major sectors, while the second day – of a more institutional character – will promote interaction between Italian and European institutions and between representatives of Italy’s industrial sector, to contribute to the country’s strategy on artificial intelligence.

Illustrious guests from Italy’s institutions, the European Union and the production sector will be present, including the Under-Secretary of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Sen. Andrea Cioffi, the Deputy Director General of the Department of Information for Security, Roberto Baldoni, the Director General of AGID, Teresa Alvaro, the Director of the Industrial Policies Department of Confindustria, Andrea Bianchi and Valeria Sandei, the Chief Executive Officer of Almawave and Strategic Marketing Director of AlmavivA.

“Digital transformation with the application of cutting-edge technologies in fields such as artificial intelligence, big data or IoT guarantees immediate advantages in terms of improved efficiency of processes and the valuing of information, besides being an unrivalled driver for our country’s development”, commented Sandei, “for this reason, networking and the sharing of objectives and strategies among all players become crucial”.

“The Ital-IA event has already reaped widespread attention among businesses and the scientific world” – commented Daniele Nardi, General Chair of Ital-IA and full professor in Artificial Intelligence of the Master Programme in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics of “La Sapienza” University in Rome – “we have received over 400 highly interesting contributions. The aim is to create a platform to activate synergic actions between the research world and the industrial sector, to enable the country to fully exploit the opportunities being offered by artificial intelligence technologies”.

Information and further details


Twitter: 2019Ital

Instagram: ital_ia_2019 

Press accreditations


Angelo Simone

+39 348 3405153