Already operational, the company represents the first, important step in the development of the Telemedicine Plan outlined in the NRRP.
Currently being developed, the platform will be implemented by the end of November 2023 and will remain operational for the next 10 years, facilitating greater integration between regional healthcare services and improving quality and access to treatment for people across the country.
After winning the AGENAS concession for the design, development, and management of the National Telemedicine Platform, Engineering, a leader in the digitalization of processes for companies and PA,and Almaviva, an Italian digital innovation group, established the project company PNT Italia, which represents the first, important step in the creation of the Telemedicine Plan outlined in the PNRR.
Already operational, PNT Italia is a limited liability company owned 60% by Engineering, a group with extensive experience in technologies that support the Italian healthcare system and with particular expertise in Telemedicine, and 40% by Almaviva, a company that has supported the Ministry of Health and important regional administrations for decades and has deeply rooted domain and technological expertise in the field of eHealth.
The corporate structure is as follows: Dario Buttitta, Executive Vice President of PA & Healthcare at Engineering, is President; Antonio Amati, General Manager of Almaviva's IT Division, is CEO; Giuseppe Sajeva, Director of PNT Special Projects at Engineering, is Technical Director.
The duration of the AGENAS concession for the development and management of the National Telemedicine Platform is 10 years and is organized into three phases: the "Start Up" phase, which is underway, will end in November 2023 with the testing and activation of the platform; a 2-year “Launch and Strengthening" phase will follow, ending in November 2025; and as of December 2025, the "Full Operation" phase will begin through to the end of the concession, during which the platform will continue to expand its services, in line with the evolutions of digital healthcare.
The National Telemedicine Platform (PNT) is a Cloud Native solution for the governance and monitoring of Telemedicine processes implemented at the regional level that, by integrating with the specific digital ecosystems of each region, leverages the investments already made or planned in local contexts. Once launched, the PNT will make it possible to streamline and standardize nomenclatures, taxonomies, and coding at the national level, encouraging greater integration among regional healthcare services and improving quality and access to care for people throughout the country, in line with the goals outlined by the PNRR in the field of digital health.
Thanks to an architectural approach that is consistent with the principles of reliability, flexibility, durability, and reusability as outlined by AgID, the platform prioritizes the security of individuals' data while promoting accessibility, inclusion, efficiency, and cost savings.
The development of the National Telemedicine Platform guarantees a strong focus on integration and interoperability with systems implemented at the national level while, at the same time, maintaining a high degree of independence, scalability, and ease-of-integration with current and future digital ecosystems, both regional and national.
Telemedicine: Engineering and Almaviva establish PNT Italia, the company entrusted with developing the national platform