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National Cloud: AlmavivA and Aruba’s Green Cloud Factory for the Creation of the PSN - read the Press Release

National Cloud: AlmavivA and Aruba’s Green Cloud Factory for the Creation of the PSN - read the Press Release


The proposal to the MITD. Extensive experience with digital innovation in PA and four fully available carbon-neutral data centers.

The two Italian companies guarantee total synergy between their skills and assets when it comes to applications, infrastructures, cloud services, and security.

AlmavivA and Aruba’s Italian proposal for the National Strategic Pole, presented to the Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition, outlines a project for the implementation and management of the cloud infrastructure, in which to host the data and services of public administration, consistent with the timeframe and resources established by the PNRR and characterized by the highest assurance of reliability, resilience, and independence within the PA's digital transformation plan, aimed at ensuring quality and efficiency in the delivery of digital services to citizens and businesses.

National Cloud: AlmavivA and Aruba’s Green Cloud Factory for the Creation of the PSN - read the Press Release