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European Commission: Almaviva de Belgique receives the contract for the provision of SAP services

European Commission: Almaviva de Belgique receives the contract for the provision of SAP services


The Almaviva Group’s Belgian subsidiary has been awarded the framework contract for the development, implementation, maintenance, and operation of the European Commission’sEnterprise Resource Planning systems.

Almaviva de Belgique, the Brussels-based Belgian subsidiary of the Almaviva Group, as the lead partner in a consortium of companies, has been awarded the DIMOS VI (Development, Implementation, Maintenance, and Operation of IT Systems) framework contract from the European Commission's Directorate General for Budget (DG BUDGET), the total value of which is €700 million.

This framework agreement will allow the consortium, led by Almaviva de Belgique, to support the European Commission and the 27 EU Agencies in the provision of SAP services in the areas of development, implementation, maintenance and operation of the Commission's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems.

This is the largest SAP contract ever awarded by the European Commission. Playing a central role in winning the contract were the experiences and skills acquired - in the field of digital innovation applied to the specific domain - through the INIT program, a single integrated system for managing accounting processes which Almaviva is developing for the Italian State General Accounting Department. The program consists of multi-year projects, involving more than 200 SAP experts, focused on the evolution of ERP information systems to support state accounting and budget processes.

“We are proud of this further success,” says Fabio Mazzarini, CEO of Almaviva de Belgique, “not only because of the importance of the applicative domain, but also because of the opportunity to convey, to the European Commission, the group's experience with financial and asset accounting systems developed for Italy:”

European Commission: Almaviva de Belgique receives the contract for the provision of SAP services.