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Alberto Tripi

Alberto Tripi

Alberto Tripi


An entrepreneur, he was born in Rome in 1940 and graduated in Electronic Engineering from La Sapienza University of Rome.

He worked for 17 years at IBM in important management positions in Italy and abroad.

In 1983, he left IBM Europe (based in Paris), where he was Director of Service Business Development for Europe, Africa and the Middle East, to found COS/ISI Italsistemi per l'Informatica (now Almaviva), an IT and telecommunication services company.

Today, he is the majority shareholder and President of Almaviva SpA.

Alberto Tripi has also held executive positions in Confindustria since 1977, as the President of Confindustria Servizi Innovativi e Tecnologici.

He is Special Advisor for Artificial Intelligence at Confindustria Board for the 2024-2028 term, and a member of the General Council of the Association.

He is in the General Council and a member of the Presidency team at Anitec-Assinform (ICT Association) in charge of the Centro Studi (R&S Center) for the 2024-2028 term.

He is Vice President for the 2020-2024 term in charge of Digital Transformation at Unindustria.

Already on the Board of IRI, since 1997, for 5 years and until it was wound up.

He served on the Board of CNEL, currently participates in the Leonardo Committee (Made in Italy promotion), and is a member of the Council for US and Italy Relations.

He is also a partner and member of the General Board of ASPHI Onlus, a Foundation set up by various Entities and Companies to support the activities and projects for integrating disabled people through the use of ICT technology.