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OncologIA - research project

OncologIA - research project

Research project

Application of AI-driven technologies for oncological treatment and predictive analysis


The application of innovative IT technologies in the field of oncological medicine represents one of the most advanced specialties to date, with a significant network of services in which the “precision” approach, or rather an approach that’s customized to the specific patient, ensures crucial differences in outcomes.

Furthermore, the field of oncology requires access to significant volumes of high quality data, as well as a large number of potential users.

In this context, artificial intelligence and machine learning offer valuable support in analyzing high volumes of data in a short period of time, testing concepts and implementations that are technically and scientifically sound and are also easy to adopt by both professionals and the patients themselves.

“Sustainable” use of Artificial Intelligence and data

OncologIA is an industrial research and experimental development project, co-funded by Apulia Region through the European Regional Development Fund operational project Puglia ERDF 2014 - 2020, for the application of innovative IT technologies in the field of oncological medicine.