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Payvolution: AlmavivA Golden Partner of ABI’s Payment Salon

Payvolution: AlmavivA Golden Partner of ABI’s Payment Salon


MiCO - Milano Congressi, 9 - 11 November

The digitization of channels, products and processes and the changes in the lifestyles and needs of people are just a few of the transformations that are affecting the economic scenario. At the end of 2015, the POS network reached 1.7 million terminals, Italians now own over 100 million payment cards, and, overall, the use of non-cash payment systems is up by over 10% compared to the previous year. Payments from smartphone or tablet are growing so fast that in next to no time they will become the number one form of online payment. The development of simple, safe and accessible payment solutions is not just an objective for the banking sector but a need for everybody.

Payvolution, the Payment Salon, opens the day after tomorrow at the MiCO - Milano Congressi venue, organized by ABI, the Italian Banking Association. AlmavivA, one of the key Financial Services players, will be sponsoring the event dedicated to broadening the discussion on technology, innovation and integration in the current payment services market, consisting of five paths focusing on banks, large enterprises, Public Administration, small businesses, professionals.

For over thirty years, AlmavivA has been operating as System Integrator and ICT solutions provider, supporting the evolution of the sector with an offering targeting all financial services providers and businesses: Italian and foreign credit institutions and banks, trust companies, post and financial services operators.

The AlmavivA experience is unique and of excellent quality: distinctive functional and process competences, innovative platforms and products supporting the new business integration and efficiency needs, besides a close collaboration with the client in the construction of new opportunities, consistently with the national and Community regulatory formalities.

Want to find out more? Visit the page dedicated to AlmavivA’s Financial Services and the website of the event