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AlmavivA-CNR: appointing the Company’s Scientific Committee members

AlmavivA-CNR: appointing the Company’s Scientific Committee members


On 7 November last, the General Meeting of AlmavivA-CNR appointed the Company’s Scientific Committee members.


AlmavivA-CNR: appointing the Company’s Scientific Committee members

On 7 November last, the General Meeting of AlmavivA-CNR appointed the Company’s Scientific Committee members.
The members’ term of office will be three years and the Committee will have an advisory and proposal-formulating role, in relation to the Company’s scientific activities and technical and scientific strategic and programmatic decisions.
Prof. Roberto Guarasci, a member of the CNR, National Research Council, and Ordinary Professor at the University of Calabria, was appointed Chairman of the Committee.
The Committee members are:
  • Prof. Riccardo Varaldo, Chairman of the Sant’Anna Higher School of Pisa 
  • Prof. Alfonso Miola, Ordinary Professor of Engineering at the Roma Tre University of Rome 
  • Prof. Fabio Capocaccia, Associate Professor at the University of Genoa 
  • Prof. Maurizio Decina, Ordinary Professor at the Milan Polytechnic