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STEM universe: the inspiring AlmavivA Model in the Enterprise School System 4.0 Project of the next two-year period

STEM universe: the inspiring AlmavivA Model in the Enterprise School System 4.0 Project of the next two-year period


Maria Grazia D’Amato, Sara De Andreis, Elena Gagliardoni, Dora Grillo, Irene Musumeci, Barbara Pacileo, Gioia Conforti, Flavia Franchini and Elisabetta Airoldi. Who join Brunella Tobia, Maria Teresa Piselli and Denise Di Stefano, three of the professionals who have been involved in the ELIS Enterprise School System Project since last year.

They will be representing the AlmavivA Group among the 290 role models called on to guide many female students over the coming two-year period in undertaking studies in the STEM universe: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, courses which, although guaranteeing very high employment rates, are still primarily dominated by men.

Assisted by initiatives like ELIS, things have been improving in recent years. According to the most recent accounts of this kind from Milan Polytechnic, in the last five years, the number of female students registered for three-year engineering courses has increased by 8 percent. In Biomedical Engineering, the girls outnumber the boys. Nevertheless, the courses with strictly manufacturing and industrial vocations, such as Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology and Aerospace Engineering, still have more than 80% male students.

Biases? Die hard cultural ideologies? Possibly. But it is understandable how important it is to bring the female students into contact with the STEM world, to make it popular even through the testimony of competent and empathetic women, models capable of inspiring new generations and exemplifying possible courses and careers.

Strengthening this growing educational community, in support of the scholastic institutions. This is the goal of a series of meetings, starting with the Kickoff meeting that launched the new Enterprise School System 4.0 course yesterday.

Does this project interest you? Download the ELIS Libro Bianco (White Book) for information on the activities of the last two years.