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Immense amounts of data in one clic: the Open Pompeii System created by AlmavivA

Immense amounts of data in one clic: the Open Pompeii System created by AlmavivA


You can have a unique personalized experience with the Digital Life of Pompeii Archaeological Park. The archives of one of the most important UNESCO sites is now open for free consultation.

Through the Open Pompeii Public Consultation System and the official My Pompeii App, you’ll have access to all available data, information, images, and videos about each archaeological structure. You can see houses and buildings, artifacts, and frescoes (present or detached), with an indication of their origin and current location, and with the related bibliography and a possibility of cross-referencing data. It’s a giant step forward in research, available to visitors, scholars, tour operators, and tour guides, but even enthusiasts with no special qualifications will be able to access the system from any device.

This project was built by AlmavivA in collaboration with their partners ES Ltd. and Glossa Consortium.