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14th March: “Digital culture enters the ring”

14th March: “Digital culture enters the ring”


AlmavivA participates in the Milan Digital Week to speak about Millennials&Z-Gen and STEM&Girls

With over 500 diffused events, from the forthcoming 13th March Milan will become the capital of digital innovation: five open days for all citizens, featuring exhibitions, debates, seminars, performances, shows, workshops, installations and laboratories.

Promoted by the Municipality of Milan – Department of Digital Transformation and Civic Services – with an inclusive, transversal and participative approach, the Milan Digital Week is Italy’s major event dedicated to digital culture. The dominant theme of this year’s edition will be urban intelligence. This concept embraces, on the one hand, the various technologies and applications that transform cities, work and human relations, influencing the public and private lives of citizens and the services dedicated to them and, on the other hand, how citizens can use their skills and experiences to contribute to the community’s life.

Anitec-Assinform is also a part of this grand collective scheme made up of experiences and projects in progress, virtuous examples of transformation and new opportunities: on 14th March, the association will propose a few “Rings” in the Sala Giunta hall in Via di San Maurilio, during which managers, teachers, parents and administrators will exchange views with the aim of facilitating dialogue between generations and the development of digital skills.

The following persons will be intervening for AlmavivA:

  • Giuseppe Conigliaro, head of the Software Engineering & Delivery Centres Department, who on the MILLENNIALS & Z-GEN Ring will illustrate the AlmavivA work-based learning programmes.
  • Chiara Anzellotti, head of the company’s Organisational Development Department, who on the STEM&GIRLS Ring – dedicated to the need to overcome the stereotype whereby female students have poor aptitude for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) disciplines – will present the ELIS “Sistema Scuola impresa” project, of which AlmavivA is a partner.

Visit the website of the Milan Digital Week.