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Looking to the Future: a Spring Full of Meetings with Young Talent for the AlmavivA Group

Looking to the Future: a Spring Full of Meetings with Young Talent for the AlmavivA Group


Working in the AlmavivA Group means helping to build a people-centered digital future where technological innovation and expertise come together.

The group’s road show to select the most talented young men and women in the country continues.

After its participation in the Politecnico di Bari’s Career Fair, Almawave will participate in PerVoice at the University of Trento’s Career Fair on May 18. Meanwhile, AlmavivA recruiters will meet young candidates during upcoming events at AlmaLaurea, the Interuniversity Consortium that represents 78 universities and approximately 90% of graduates leaving the Italian university system each year (May 16-20 in Bari, June 23 in Milan).

More information on
University of Trento’s Career Fair
AlmaLaurea Events